The Consensus Hunt is a decision making puzzle that challenges the player’s thinking to select the best decision to reach the final best solution. The puzzle starts with an example conflict, that is well explained, and three decision options to select from. Then, each one of these three decisions will be branched to give three sub decisions, and each one will be in a third stage sub branched to give three possible situations. In other words, 1 à 3 à 9 à 27. Only one of these 27 situations is the best situation, and gives the winning, or solves the puzzle.
If someone selects a wrong path, and reaches the lowest level, (s)he will see a message telling him/her that the selected situation is not the best and explaining the reason why.
This exercise helps the users to develop their decision making skills and it can be done to conduct serious problems, and takes each decision, and explains why each of them is not the best in terms of conflict management. The consensus hunt can deliver very good conflict management lessons, that it is a practical application to practice conflict management skills and decision making skills via selecting the best options based on the CM concepts.
The “game”, or rather the “puzzle”, can target different age groups. It can also be adjusting according to the time available. As much as playing it is beneficial and fun, designing it could be more challenging and benefiting by far. During the design phase, the designer thinks and thinks and thinks to come up with the situations/consequences for the conflict, and that is a very good practice to the thinking and creativity, especially for youth. In addition to the benefit on individual level, it encourages the team work spirit if it was done by a team. This initiative was applied in many occasions by IJMA3, and it has proven a very good acceptance according to the feedback the participants provide to IJMA3.