School in a Box
IJMA3 is currently implementing the School in a Box (SIAB) program in public schools across Lebanon. The SIAB program utilizes an IJMA3-developed methodology for ICT adoption in schools based on IJMA3’s long-term studies and research arising from the successful introduction of earlier classroom technologies, such as scientific calculators and overhead projectors. The SIAB model uses an IJMA3’s unique approach to integrating ICT into the classrooms via the teachers, through combining and enhancing lab structure, procedures and workflow while at the same time developing, training, and building human ICT capacity to a sizeable group of teachers and students. Support from the community is also harnessed to develop a long-term and sustainable mechanism for maintaining the technical equipment, and encouraging teachers to push students to benefit from ICT during their studies. The wider intent of the program is to utilize the results and lessons learned during the implementation of the SIAB model for use by Cisco in improving ICT usage in classrooms around the world.