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ITU Workshop on Standardization on IMT, M2M, IoT, Cloud Computing and SDN
At the kind invitation of the Regulatory Authority for Post and Telecommunications (ARPT), Algeria, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is organizing a Workshop on Standardization on IMT, M2M, IoT, Cloud Computing and SDN at the Hotel Sofitel, Algiers, Algeria on 8 September 2013.
Google Days Is Coming To Algeria
The Google days are two or three days of workshop and exposition, organized by the internet giant “Google” and attracting developers, businessmen, marketing professionals and webmasters, to connect, network and share their experiences.
Workshop on digital broadcasting and industry opens in Setif
A workshop on "digital broadcasting and industry" opened Thursday in Setif in the presence of Minister of Communication Nacer Mehal and Minister of Post and Communication and Information Technologies Moussa Benhamadi
BarCamp Algeria
Algiers will soon be witnessing the 3rd edition of BarCamp Algeria which s an initiative organized by a group of passionate technology players eager to make their contributions to the development of the ICT sector in Algeria.
EEPAD/Algérie Télécom : Journée d’étude sur la cybercriminalité
L’opérateur de services sur internet EEPAD, en partenariat avec Algérie Télécom, organisera le lundi 27 juillet à partir de 9 h 30, à l’hôtel El-Aurassi, une journée d’étude sur la cybercriminalité intitulée «Enjeux et prévention sur l’économie nationale».
Evenement Websense du 21 Avril 2009
Le premier séminaire organisé par Websense en partenariat avec OASYS a réuni, le 21 Avril dernier à l’Hôtel Sheraton, une quarantaine de participants du secteur privé, industrie automobile, finance et télécoms.
Wikiversity Offers a Course on Online Educational Resources
Wikiversity is organising an online course “Composing free and open online educational resources”. Starting on March 3, 2008, the course is designed for teachers and teacher-students who do not have prior knowledge or skills related to free and open education resources.
Alger telecom 2007
“Senior Executive Forum on Broadband Networks – Evolution and Perspectives” will be highlighting broadband technology developments, deployments, challenges, services and applications with particular relevance for the Algerian market.
MAP-IT! Awareness Workshop
Aolgeria: The workshop was introduced by Mrs. Rachida Touami of USTHB. Mr Marc Ponsar, Euroquality, presented the MAP IT! Project. Ms Marie Fauchadour, Euroquality, introduced the FP7 Programme and described its funding schemes, participation rules and evaluation criteria. Finally Mr Marc Ponsar presented the 2nd FP7 call for proposals in the field of ICT (FP7- ICT -2007-2).
AITA Participates in ITMA Workshops and IJMA3 General Assembly
The Algerian Information Technology Association has attended the ITMA workshops and the IJMA3 General Assembly events that took place in Sharm El-Sheikh. AITA played a significant role in the presentations and the elections.