Lebanon Creative Cluster
There is a need in Lebanon to establish a coordinated & sustained approach to the growth and development of the creative sector - such as digital media, audio-visual, fashion, music, advertising, production, theater, music etc...
The creative sector already plays a major role in the economic competitiveness of Lebanon. However, it is not fully realizing its growth potential, nor is it adding value to the competitiveness of other sectors.
For this, in its effort to revive the private sector, Cisco on behalf of the Partnership for Lebanon (PfL) is working with the Professional Computer Association of Lebanon (PCA) and Tom Fleming Creative Consultancy to find ways of enabling this sector in Lebanon.
Tom Fleming a British consultant visited Lebanon in January and met with different leaders of the creative industry. During that initial scoping, Tom explored the specific dynamics of the industry as well as its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
The visit was followed by a workshop on February 18, 2009 that tackled the following four themes:
1. Developing Capacity
2. The Support Landscape
3. Access to Capital
4. Market Shaping & Market Making
For more information on the workshop please visit: