A little competition, a lot more action
The Arab ICT Organization (IJMA3) in partnership with Mercy Corps announced a project to promote web portal applications for eleven sub-districts’ and seven districts’ councils under the title “Portal Competition”.
This project is significant because it offers the opportunity to familiarize civil administration bodies with the use of online applications. The initiative improved, on friendly competitive spirit, skills and competencies on sharing of information for civil issues, promoting transparency and requesting for public participation in decision making online.
The “Portal Competition” took place on October 28th till November 25th, 2010 where members of councils were practicing online updates and publishing articles for the needs and interests of the community they are serving. Moreover, systematic use of software applications, administration practices for a web portal and increased ownership for the project were achieved.
And the Winners Are?!!
First Place: Umm Qasr, Nashwa and Al Deer sub-districts’ councils, and Shat Al Arab district’s council
Second Place: Safwan, Al Hartha and Al Siba sub-districts’ councils
Third Place: Al Imam Al Sadiq and Al Imam Al Qaem sub-districts’ councils, and Al Qurna and Basra districts’ councils
Fourth Place: Al Mudyna, Abu Al Khassib, Fao and Al Zoubeir districts’ councils and Eiz Al Deen Salim and Al Bihar sub-districts’ councils