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Skype and Other Voice Over IP Banned in Comoros

Skype and other voice over IP that allows online phone conversation are now suspended in Comoros.

  Source Global Voices
  Reference http://globalvoicesonline.org/2013/08/08/skype-and-other-voice-over-ip-banned-in-comoros/

Skype and other voice over IP that allows online phone conversation are now suspended in Comoros. The website Linfo.re reports [fr] :

The state-owned company Comores Telecom just officially banned any type of voice over IP softwares, effectively blocking any kind of free online phone coversation for internet users in Comoros.

The company explains that this measure was taken to protect its financial sustainability, since 90% of its earnings come from phone calls.

The news website La Gazette des Comores adds that a formal complaint has been filed [fr] by the consumers association:

The IT consumers association has filed a complaint against Comores Telecom with the High Authority of IT Affairs, the body in charge of settling any complaints between IT providers and users..

The association argues that it is for the users to pay for the mismanagement of the company and that Comoros is not a dictatorship that can allow people's rights to be trampled upon.

On August 5, internet users have also set up a facebook page named “ Say No to censorship from Comores Telecom” [fr]. They argue that  the company,  instead of opening the world to Comoros as their ads proclaim, has shut off Comoros from the rest of the world.

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