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Support Technology for Educators and Parents (STEP) in Comoros Islands, Phase II

Since 2007, Support Technology for Educators and Parents (STEP), also known as ATEC for its initials in French, Comoros activities have focused on improving the quality of public education by helping the Comorian National Ministry of Education and the Ministries of Education of the three autonomous islands to expand their distance education initiatives.

  Source Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)
  Reference http://idd.edc.org/projects/support-technology-educators-and-parents-step-comoros-islands-phase-ii

Initial audio products focused on enriching pre-service and in-service teacher training and informing parents of the characteristics of quality schools. First phase efforts also targeted reinforcing the teaching of English at the tertiary level. Having helped establish an enabling environment for further improvements, STEP Comoros phase II continues to work closely with the island education ministries to maximize their usage of the products developed and distributed during Phase I in three ways:

1) To strengthen teacher in-service training through the use of multi-media professional development kits.

2) To create and support parent-teacher association listening groups for radio broadcasts that provide guidance in ways to improve schools, teaching and learning in their communities.

3) To improve English language teaching practices at the secondary and university levels by providing a seminar series designed to meet locally identified teaching needs and facilitating the development of small grants to support English learning on the three islands.

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